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A Martial Arts Website Using Mind, Body and Spirit. I am very interested in Martial Arts, as I’ve been training in Tai Chi on and off for ten years as well as an Internal Martial Art called Wu Dao Gong for a year and a half. I have searched many...

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Health is Your Greatest Asset
Health is Your Greatest Asset? By Kamau Austin If you are like many people who take the entrepreneurial plunge, you do so most successfully when you are approaching or entering into middle age. Your middle-aged years are also ironically around the...

Karate a History
Although the basic forms of self defense are probably as old as the human race, the art of karate as it is practiced today can be traced directly to the Okinawan technique called, in Japanese, Okinawate-te (Okinawa Hands). This system of defense...

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Self-Protective Strategies Yield Positive Outcome

ROBBINSDALE, Minn. - The Department of Criminology at Florida State University recently released a study which proved that people who employed self-protection strategies reduced their likelihood of injury when compared to nonresistance.

Old research indicated that resistance to confrontational crime contributed to victim injury. This new information reveals that these old assumptions were found to be largely attributable to confusion concerning the sequence of self-protective actions and injury. In crimes where both occurred, injury followed self protection in only about 10 percent of the incidents. Combined with the fact that injuries following resistance are almost always relatively minor, victim resistance seems to be a wise course of action. "People need a functional set of tactics and techniques to protect themselves or others from a violent attack," said Scot Combs of Full Circle Self Defense. "It is imperative that they do not over- or under-respond." That's why a unique partnership - Full Circle Self Defense - has been formed between the Tactic's Training Center at Bill's Gun Shop and Range and a martial arts instructor - to teach these skills in a safe and educational format. The class teaches people aged 15 years and older to focus on and employ simple, yet effective, humane

methods of personal protection. The course, entitled "Humane Self Defense," is open to the public, and provides specific training in the methods of humane self-defense, and does not involve the use of any type of weapons. Participants are taught to use non-lethal techniques. The methods are easy to learn, practice, and put into use if needed. Topics such as awareness, victim and attacker profiles, law and liability are also addressed.

Safety from injury is stressed. Providing protection for yourself or a loved one from violence is imperative and using only the appropriate level of force is the law. Doing no more harm than absolutely necessary is humane self defense.

"These seminars provide realistic training and viable options for conflict resolution," said Leonard M. Breure, PhD, training coordinator for the Tactic Training Center. "Everyone should have these excellent tools for personal protection." Classes will be held Tuesdays from 6 to 9 p.m. at Bill's Gun Shop, 4080 West Broadway Ave. N., Robbinsdale. The fee is $50 per person. Copies of the Ebook: The Humane Self Defense Training Manual will also be available for purchase. Registration in advance is recommended because class size is limited. Call 763-533-9594 for information and registration.
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