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You Have To Try This Workout

I've tried many forms of exercise: weightlifting, martial arts, swimming, running and so on. But there's one form of exercise I started doing about 3 months ago that's proved to be an unbelievable workout....


Now I don't mean with sparring gear on, getting hit in the head. I'm referring to either using a punching bag by yourself, or punching mitts with a training partner. The workout is exhausting and also somewhat of a stress reliever.

I use Everlast gear because their products hold up. We do three intense 2-minutes rounds each with sit ups in between...I'm telling you, what a workout!

These are purely my recommendations based on past experiences:

My training partner and I use the following Everlast punching

mitts: Only $45 dollars and they work great.

If you'd rather not workout with someone, you can get the following punching bag from Everlast for only $160 dollars: It'll last you a long time.

If you think you're in tip top shape, try developing a workout that focuses around boxing. Like me, you may soon find yourself thinking "whoa!"

About the Author

Ryan Cote is the owner of, a website devoted to improving people's health AND wealth. Stop by and subscribe to our FREE health newsletter and claim your FREE bonus report on Spot Toning your Body.